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What Is CE Breeze?
Continuing Education providers operate utilizing a great deal of information - about workshop offerings, about participants, about facilities, about finances, and about the organizations in the field that they served. Often, that information is spread out among a variety of staff members in a variety of spreadsheets, memos, small databases, paper records, e-mails, calendars, and other formats. Having this information disconnected in this way can lead to duplication of labor, internal communication issues, external communication issues, and important tasks falling through the cracks.

CE Breeze pulls all of this information together into one central, universally accessible location where it can tie together the way that it does in real life. Workshop records (along with affiliated room setup, equipment, and catering requests) link to a central calendar. Participants link to their registration histories, payment histories, and organizations. Contracts link to their related transactions and workshops. Information entered into one part of the system is instantly accessible from related records.

And all of this comes together in an intuitive, easy-to-use interface that is designed to automate many of the time-consuming and repetitive workflows that you may now face.
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Designed for the Special Needs of CE Providers
Continuing and Community Education providers have a need for flexibility that is not found in database solutions designed for K-12 education or colleges. Because CE Breeze is built exclusively for CE providers, it handles these challenges with ease. Examples include:

Thinking Outside the Term - You may have a workshop taking place in one room that begins and ends on the same day, while having a workshop in the next room that meets once a month over the course of the year. K-12 and college-based solutions are built around terms (semesters, quarters, etc.), requiring that every course be assigned to a term and with operations and workflows designed to process all courses in a given term together. CE Breeze instead is structured around workshop start and end dates, allows you to perform tasks by selecting date ranges, rather than by selecting pre-defined terms. Additionally, automated communication with participants, presenters, and workshop supervisors is based on each workshop's start date, rather than a term start date, making such communication much more effective.

Multiple Forms of Credit - You may be an authorized provider for more than one form of credit. Various CEU accrediting bodies even utilize different contact hour to CEU ratios. CE Breeze allows you to offer and award multiple forms of credit for each workshop - differing names and differing amounts included!

Invoicing of Organizations/Employers - You may have situations in which a participant registers for two workshops - one of which is to be invoiced to his employer, and the other of which is to be invoiced directly to him. CE Breeze allows for registration-by-registration assignment of financial responsibility. Best of all, when you generate invoices for a specified time period, all registrations to be invoiced to the same organization/employer are automatically pulled together and placed on the same invoice!
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Intuitive User Interface
A database is only useful if your least computer-literate staff member feels comfortable and confident using it to locate information and to perform tasks.

All of the main modules in CE Breeze utilize the same layout - with the same record navigation bar at the top of the screen, a sidebar that lists all user options, and intelligently laid out information in the main body.

The record navigation bar provides users with options for finding and isolating the record(s) with which they wish to work. Casual users appreciate the filtered lists provided in Browse mode. Average and advanced users appreciate the precision of Search mode. The powerful Search feature can be utilized for simple one-criteria searches or for complex searches. Complex searches are made easy using a logical model whereby users provide the first set of criteria, then click "Plus" or "Minus" to expand or exclude records with the next set of search criteria, then click "Plus" or "Minus" again to further expand or exclude records, etc. until the correct set of records has been isolated.

All available features within a given module can be found in the sidebar. This allows for easy self-discovery of features, with users quickly able to find features as they need them. Each screen is self-explanatory, allowing new users to begin benefiting from the system with minimal introductory training.
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Notifications, Reminders, and Prompts
You want to make sure that your staff is on top of everything - to make sure that nothing slips through the cracks. Our goal is to help your staff to do just that. The Home page on CE Breeze contains a Notification Center that will inform your users when there is an issue they need to address (such as an opening in a workshop with a wait list) or a task that needs to be completed (such as sending a workshop's supervisor an update on the workshop's enrollment). And if that weren't enough, each notification has a "Go" button that either begins the process of addressing the issue or pulls up the appropriate records and brings the user to the screen where the issue can be addressed.

Throughout the system, prompt encourage your staff to communicate with other staff or with your customers at appropriate times. For example, when processing a participant withdrawal from a workshop, your staff will be prompted to send a confirmation that the withdrawal was processed to the participant and will ask if the person who processes your payments also needs to be notified.

Participant special needs instructions (food allergies, physical disabilities, etc.) are included on daily/weekly setup guides so that your catering and room setup staff will be prepared to take care of your participants.

Private, Group, and Public sticky notes can also be added to the room usage calendar (and will appear on the home screen) so that your staff can add their own reminders not tied to database records.
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Intelligent Workflows
One of the benefits of using a system designed by someone with years of experience as both a college and a continuing education Registrar is that the database is designed to work with your workflows, or even to perform those workflows for you.

This includes the small things, such as placing a Registration History tab with a Register Now button at the end of the edit screen in the People module - facilitating a natural registration process (updating/entering the participant's contact information, checking to see if they have already registered for the event, and adding the registration).

It also includes the big things, such as the processes for canceling a workshop or withdrawing a student from a workshop - each of which includes several steps which can be easily overlooked. CE Breeze automates much of these process, providing time savings and the assurance that everything got done.
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Who is CE Breeze for?
CE Breeze is flexible enough to be used in a variety of continuing education, community education, and professional development settings. Examples include:
  • Professional Organizations (e.g., Social Workers, Teachers, Plumbers, Nurses, etc.)
  • Training departments within corporations.
  • Education Service Agencies / Cooperatives
  • Public Libraries
  • Park Districts
  • School Districts
  • Museums
  • Zoos
What can you do with CE Breeze?
  • Maintain contact information for all of your participants and presenters.
  • View, edit, and print the registration history of each participant from his or her record.
  • Register participants for workshops and record payments.
  • Communicate with participants using automated mail and e-mail reminders and followups.
  • Maintain information about all of your workshop offerings in one convenient, accessible location.
  • Maintain your facilities calendar, which links directly to your workshop records (preventing duplicate data entry).
  • Review catering, technology, and supply request needs directly from the calendar.
  • Generate sign-in sheets, room signs, nametags, grading rosters, certificates of completion, evaluation forms, and other forms for each workshop or each calendar date.
  • Manage contracts, purchase orders, and invoices that may (or may not) link directly to workshops, registrations, participants, presenters, and organizations / employers.
  • And much, much more.

To really understand what CE Breeze can do to improve your workflow, we recommend that you

watch a few of our instructional videos
download and play with our demo file.